
Modern contraception is available to help couples postpone pregnancy until the time is right for them. Yinka will help you assess the choices available to choose the one that is most suitable for you. Different methods affect the body in different ways. 
The options available include:
  • Spermicides, which incapacitate sperms
  • Combined oral contraceptive pill, which inhibits ovulation
  • Barrier methods, such as condoms, which block contact between the sperm and egg
  • Intrauterine devices, which alter the lining of the uterus and make it hostile to pregnancy
  • Mini-pill, which alters the cervical mucus constitution
  • Natural methods, such as breastfeeding, which may inhibit ovulation, and the symptom-thermal method, where body temperature is taken as a measure of fertility, and intercourse avoided during ovulation
  • Sterilisation, which is a permanent method.
Your choice of contraception will reflect your age and general health, the frequency with which you have sexual intercourse, and the level of protection you would like. A discussion about the pros and cons, as well as possible side effects of each birth control method will help you make your choice. You may then review your chosen method at a follow-up consultation.
Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine
HPV infection is very common in both men and women. It is generally passed from person to person through skin contact and also spreads through sexual contact.
Some strains of HPV have been linked to genital warts and cancer of the cervix. Infection with HPV can cause cells around the cervix to become abnormal and, over time, progress to precancerous changes. Regular screening with a cervical smear has for many years been an effective strategy for detecting cervical cell changes so that, where precancerous changes are present, treatment may be started as soon as possible.
A vaccine is now available that protects against the types of HPV that cause most cases of cervical cancer and genital warts.
The vaccine is designed to trigger a woman's immune system against HPV should she encounter one of the subtypes. To date it has not shown any serious side effects, and is considered safe and effective.
The HPV vaccine is recommended for teenage girls, ideally before they become sexually active, and is given in three doses over a six-month period.
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